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Central Payments Voted Best Data Aggregator/Bank Partnership Award

Tearsheet Data Awards 2021

Data is at the very core of financial services. Understanding data unlocks doors to new product innovations, enhanced user access, and most importantly, putting consumers where they belong: the center.

The journey toward data democratization calls upon financial institutions to put data into the hands of the people who create it, and help them use it to improve their financial lives. The market-driven strategy to standardize data frameworks is looking to a new horizon of open data -- and it needs all hands on deck.

Tearsheet’s Data Guide 2021 provides a close look at the companies at the forefront of this change: the ones innovating consumer access to data, reimagining informed lending and minimized risk, and providing clean, secure, and accurate financial data that changes the role of traditional financial institutions and fintech firms.

Best Data Aggregator / FI Partnership Award: Central Payments, DataSeers

Central Payments, the payments subsidiary of Central Bank of Kansas City, worked with DataSeers to normalize large amounts of divergent data. DataSeers provides data to Central Payments that is cleaned, prepped, and analyzed so that Central Payments can perform full data reconciliation, compliance scans, fraud detection and more.

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